Leaving Tulsa

We were exhausted from prom so our travel day seemed extra long and to top it off we flew standby on American Airlines. Good news is we made all of our flights, bad news is the flight was 15 hours long from Dallas to Korea, ugh that one hurt. Last time I went to Korea to pick up Kylan we came home on March 31st, 2002 which is the same day that we left this year March 31st, 2017 so our journey feels like it went full circle. I never dreamed that 15 years later EXACTLY I would be returning with Kevin, Kenzie, Kylan, my mom Gayl, my mother in law Marilynn and my father in law Lynn. This is the start of our Korean adventure. Sit back and enjoy the ride!!!
We flew out of Tulsa and into Dallas and once we arrived at our departure gate I looked up from my phone and this is what I saw...EVERYONE in our group was asleep but me! My mom hadn't arrived yet so she was probably awake at this time.
The flight was oversold and the only person that had bought a ticket was my mom. The rest of us were on the standby list. Kevin's parents and my mom boarded the plane and we fully expected to be getting a hotel room that night but after the plane was full they found 4 seats for us and Kevin and I even got to sit together.

They served us some Korean food on the flight so we were super pumped!

I'm not gonna lie to you that 15 hour plane ride was brutal! When I was in my 20's it didn't seem that bad but this time it was horrible and my feet swelled up so big I couldn't put my boots back on. When I stepped out at the Inchon airport it was in my socks and carrying my boots. Next time I'm taking compression socks!
Thanks for reading,
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