We have been trying to get Paige to stay the night with us for a very long time but it just never worked out and finally just on a whim we asked Paige to stay the night after the fireworks so she can go to Girls Club with Makenzie and it worked out. Kylan then stayed the night with Devin. Here are the pics of the girls hanging out together. In a couple of weeks Katelyn and Kinley will stay the night and we are so excited because they haven't ever stayed the night with us either.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Freedom Festival
Last night the church my mom goes to had a Freedom Festival and she invited us to join her. We all had a great time and the temp. outside was so nice and enjoyable. The fireworks were so great...I think the 45 min. show that the church put on was really amazing. They had jupiter jumps, obstacle courses, a zipline, food, games, etc. Just a great time for the family!
I am such a klutz!
OK this is really embarrassing but I am going to post it anyway. On Saturday, Makenzie and I went shopping for our friend Madison's 14th birthday gift at Old Navy and it was just pouring down rain outside. Kenzie and I were walking under a huge golf umbrella and enjoying some "girl time". Anyway, I stepped into the store and sudden my feet slipped out from under me and my head slammed into the floor and I twisted my ANKLE...oh man, not again! As many of you know I've had this whole history with my right ankle being hurt all of last summer and into the fall. Well, thankfully it's my left ankle that's puffy and swollen this time. I say thankfully because today when I got up it's still a little swollen but it doesn't hurt today! Yeah!!!! If it would have been my right ankle it could possibly been the rest of the summer in a walking cast again! What was really embarrassing about it was that the $1 flip-flop sale was going on and everyone and their dog was in line and saw the whole thing happen! Needless to say Maddie didn't get anything from Old Navy for her birthday...just cold, hard cash. Which, I am told is what every teenager needs anyway and seemed to be the perfect gift since that was what everyone else got her too!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Scavenger Hunt~Lightpoles

The theme for today is Lightpoles. I decided to share a bronze casting from the Timmy and Cindy project in Owasso and of course the real little boy in the picture is my son Kylan. For more info about the scavenger hunt click here
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Ice cream in a baggie

Materials Needed:
1 Tbsp Sugar
1/2 Cup Half-n-Half
1/4 tsp Vanilla
1/2 Cup Rock Salt or kosher salt works good
1 Pint Size Ziploc Bag
1 Gallon Size Ziploc Bag
Instructions:Combine the sugar, half-n-half, and vanilla in the pint size ziploc bag and seal tightly. Combine the ice and rock salt in the large ziploc bag. Place the small bag inside of the larger bag and seal. Shake the bag until the mixture turns into ice cream! This will take about 5 minutes. (You may want to wear gloves.) Add sprinkles, candy, nuts, or fruit and enjoy!
Please post one of your activities for summer and comment on my blog so I can see it!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hello Kitty and beyond

I'm not sure about you but when I was a little girl I was totally in love with all things Hello Kitty. I had all the notepads and little, tiny pencils and erasers and all that fun stuff. Well, I was informed by my SIL that there's a new Hello Kitty store at Woodland Hills Mall. Oh, I can't wait to go check it out but in the mean time I ran across the cutest Hello Kitty doll on build a bear. I also loved Holly Hobby when I was little. I know all of the old things are coming out again. Has anyone seen any Holly Hobby stuff? I only found a Holly Hobby coloring page but nothing else. I also loved the Sunshine family but most people don't know who they are now.
What were you into when you were little? Barbies, Strawberry Shortcake, Cabbage Patch dolls? leave a comment and reminisce with me.
My son now loves Transformers and of course I remember all of the little boys playing with them when I was little and now my daughter has been playing with My Little Pony for years and that was popular when I was younger. Do you remember going roller skating but we had those really cool 4 wheel roller skates, and did you ever have a roller skate birthday cake with the wheels made out of donuts? Good times, good times!
What were you into when you were little? Barbies, Strawberry Shortcake, Cabbage Patch dolls? leave a comment and reminisce with me.
My son now loves Transformers and of course I remember all of the little boys playing with them when I was little and now my daughter has been playing with My Little Pony for years and that was popular when I was younger. Do you remember going roller skating but we had those really cool 4 wheel roller skates, and did you ever have a roller skate birthday cake with the wheels made out of donuts? Good times, good times!
Monday, June 23, 2008
I don't know if any of you have ever had a migraine but they are horrible! I don't get them very often but when I have one then I feel miserable. I can hardly stand to go outside and HAVE to wear my sunglasses. Yesterday was one of those days and it progressively got worse and worse throughout the day. By 6pm I was laying in bed with a washcloth on my forehead just praying that the day would be over soon. I have tried so many different medications over the years and nothing has really seemed to help. If you have something that helps leave me a comment! I also have trigeminal neuralgia so I have to be careful with medications. I felt so bad for the kids because they wanted to go out and swim and I couldn't take them. Thankfully Dad came to the rescue and took them out....he's such a great guy!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Makenzie's birthday party
Thank you to all of you that came to the party! We had a great time visiting with you. We totally forgot about the watermelon eating contest until some of you had left. Kylan won because he finished his piece in record time! Makenzie says THANKS to everyone for the gifts and the fun time together!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Scavenger Hunt~Bugs
I found a site that hosts a weekly scavenger hunt and I thought it would be fun to play along and hopefully to help me think outside the box! Anyway if you want to see blogs on the hunt here is the link and if you would like to join then just email Carrie and she will add you!
Today hunt is bugs but I chose a spider. Does anyone know what kind of spider this is? It was big and scary looking!
Today hunt is bugs but I chose a spider. Does anyone know what kind of spider this is? It was big and scary looking!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Happy 8th Birthday Makenzie
Today is Makenzie's 8th birthday and Kevin and I are so amazed that she's this old. It just seems like yesterday we were waiting in L.A. for the plane to arrive from S. Korea. When they finally placed her in my arms it was pure joy and such a love for my daughter. She has been such a joy the past 8 years and probably one of the BEST kids in the world. She's our little punky monkey!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Father's Day card project

Grab your kids for a fun Father's day photo shoot. They put on dads clothes and we had fun taking pics of weekday dad in his UPS uniform and weekend dad in his golf clothes complete with golf ball and putter. Then the kids made him a card and we had the pics printed. You could do this with a business suit, construction clothes, whatever your dad wears on a daily basis to work. If your dad isn't a golfer you could do swim trunks and a surfboard, shorts and t-shirt, running gear, etc. You've got the idea. Put those thinking caps on and get to work!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day Festivus
The church we just started visiting had a special celebration for Father's Day. Here are the pictures. We had a great time meeting people that we didn't know and enjoying all the activities. They had jupiter jumps, a mechanical bull, dunk tank and many other fun things.
The mini horses were so cute!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Little House on the Prairie
Many thanks to our friend Christy who told us about this really cool festival at the Little House on the Prairie We had the best time! The kids built then flew kites, colored paper dolls, colored a square for a quilt, rode 2 tractor rides, pumped water, ground corn, they LOVED the Little house that Laura and her family lived in (I just found out that it was re-created on the exact spot as the old house), saw the Indians dance, and were in a watermelon eating contest! What a busy day! When we just getting out of the car and hadn't even made it into the festival yet Kevin saw the car next to us was stuck in the mud and said he would help the people push the car out. Well, the car spun mud ALL over him from head to toe (I should have taken a picture) anyway, his good deed for the day made him extremely muddy but he washed it off and didn't let it ruin our fun day!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Berry pickin time!
Yesterday was the perfect day to go pick black berries in our town. We had such a great time and the berries were nice and plump and juicy!!! Click here for more info on the Owasso tree and berry farm.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The scrappin pad

This weekend was my weekend getaway to scrapbook with my friends. We went to the Scrappin Pad in Talequah and it was so fun! I love staying up late talking, and cropping and it doesn't matter what time I wake up in the morning because the only person I have to take care of for the day is me! I usually only do one scrapbook weekend a year but I am really thinking that I need 2 so if anyone is interested in going on the next one let me know and I will add you to the list! If you don't scrapbook then bring another craft like, quilting, painting, cross-stitching, card making, etc. It's such a great time to relax and unwind so we go home refreshed for our family!
The Scrappin Pad takes care of everything. All of our meals, drinks and snacks were included so most of the time we didn't even get out of our jammies! If you want more info on the scrappin pad click here!
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The Flirtation Experiment-book review and giveaway
About the authors: Lisa Jacobson is an author, a podcaster, and the founder of Club31Women.com, an online community of Christian women aut...
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From the directors of “Angels in the Outfield”, this is another baseball themed movie but with a completely different story. Mickey, a youn...
Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson, The Hunger Games ) finds a hidden signal that he believes will lead him to his long lost grandfather (...