I have finally taken the plunge into digital scrapbooking! It's so much fun but I wish I was quicker at it! I always see the cutest pages on The Draper House so check out her blog and she's so funny! I found adorable paper and embellishments at The Shabby Princess so if you need some cute things check out her site! Also, some really super duper cute word art at Elegant Word Art by Bethany and I just can't get enough of her stuff! I can't wait to make something with her word art...it's so AWESOME!!! Anyway, attached is my first attempt at a digital scrapbook page! Let me know what you think.
Beautiful, Jennifer! Now...someone needs to seriously sit me down and explain the concept of digi scrapping. I haven't a fat clue...and I'm not even kidding! Do you print them off and put them in a book...does it stay online only? Clueless here.
Great job!! Now you just have to watch out for the "addiction" of collecting digi supplies. :-)
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