Friday, January 23, 2009

100th day of school

Today is our 100th day of school and we are doing all kinds of fun things.
Here is a poem
100 days of learning,
100 days of fun,
100 day to work and play,
Aren't I the lucky one!

To start things off we did the following
100 exercises

named 10 things that would fit in a cup, 10 things in a grocery bag, 10 number sentences with 100 as the answer, 10 things you can do in 100 seconds and 10 things that add up to $100, 10 things that fit in a pencil box, roll the dice 10 times and show the results, 10 favorite toys, 10 kinds words we can say to others, 10 favorite snacks

We also used 100 cheerios in a project and told what we would do if someone gave us $100 bill. Kylan said he would give it to the church and Makenzie said she would give it to someone in need of food. I was proud of both of them!

We also had more 100 day activities and for more ideas click here!


Sandra said...

That was sweet what they would do with their $100. dollars. The Kids have me beat. I've been going through a time with my hormones, so sorry I would buy some chocolate and feed my hungry family cuz I've not been cooking either. hahahaha :) Dumb Thyroid!

Steph said...

you are such a great little mom and teacher. sounds like fun. it was a treat to have your little guy over the other day. he is very kind.

6 Happy Hearts said...

Here is a 100 YIPPEE's!!!
You are a great teacher & mom : )
J1 is about to have his 100 days as well. Such fun!!!

The 4-Crows Blog said...

Love it, your kids are so sweet!

Sandra said...

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I did the same thing you did reading it, when I wrote it. You know the laugh, cry, laugh. haha Thanks for being a good friend. :)

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