Monday, October 04, 2010

McLinky Monday-You Tube Swagger Wagon

Ok I know that I've already shared The Swagger Wagon You tube video with all of you BUT the Real Housewives of Oklahoma have a McLinky Monday and this monday is share your favorite You Tube video.  I laugh EVERYTIME I watch Swagger Wagon!  I hope it makes you laugh too!!!


ThatsBaloney said...

Oh yes - that is a good one!!
Thanks for linking up with the RHOK today!
Baloney/Mrs. Priss

Mom Mayhem says: said...

I love this video too!- Even if it is a commercial :)

Kellyology said...

Oh Yeah. This video makes me laugh. Every. Time.

The Flirtation Experiment-book review and giveaway

About the authors:  Lisa Jacobson  is an author, a podcaster, and the founder of, an online community of Christian women aut...