Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tulsa Air and Space Museum

Makenzie is in a Girls Club and they have field trips about twice per year and this time it was to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum.  I was so excited to go because for some weird reason and yes I hate to admit this but WE HAVE NEVER BEEN!  As a homeschool mommy that's always taking her kids on educational field trips you would think we would have been here before but I just kept putting it off and thinking we will eventually get around to it and so we finally did!  It was fun, we have to go again and the kids also loved the planetarium...very cool according to Kylan.
I took a LOT of pics so you can now see a slideshow of our adventure.

Created with flickr slideshow from softsea.


Mom Mayhem says: said...

I've been once with a field trip with my daughter -it's pretty neat! I hope to go again with the family as my son hasn't been before :)

Real Housewives of Oklahoma said...

I have never taken my kids there. I know I need to remedy that.

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun learning. =)

~Mrs. Albright
AKA Dawn

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