Saturday, April 02, 2011
Ultimate Blog Party 2011
For the Ultimate Blog Party I read that you are supposed to tell a little about yourself so here it all is in a nutshell.

I love to blog about my kids, they are both adopted from South Korea which naturally leads to adoption blog posts and all types of Asian traditions, foods, etc. I also homeschool these precious kiddos so we do a lot of fun fieldtrips, Mom's night's out, projects and fun homesschool activites. I have a couple of other passions, cooking, scrapbooking, photography, crafting and reading! Join in and follow us for just a minute!
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The Flirtation Experiment-book review and giveaway
About the authors: Lisa Jacobson is an author, a podcaster, and the founder of, an online community of Christian women aut...
Hey, if you have a chance to look at the blog please leave me a small note and let me know what you think! Thanks!
From the directors of “Angels in the Outfield”, this is another baseball themed movie but with a completely different story. Mickey, a youn...
Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson, The Hunger Games ) finds a hidden signal that he believes will lead him to his long lost grandfather (...
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks so much for the link to your blog and for becoming a follower to our blog! This blog party is so much fun. I am pouring over your site and I have become a follower too:))
I think that adoption is a wonderful way to give special kids a needed home. We would love to adopt, but don't have the funds. I was adopted when I was a baby. It's is an amazing feeling to know that you are loved and wanted.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for being #100!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Following you back.
Thanks for stopping by my blog yours is adorable love the fonts!
Hi Jennifer! It is so nice to meet you. I love the name of your blog, too cute! Thank you for stopping by my site earlier.
Hello! Visiting and following you back from the UBP! Cute blog!
Hi Jennifer, thanks for stopping by Garlic Girl. I'm glad you did, because I really like your blog. LOVE the April Fool's treat! I'm following you now. See you around!
Hi Jennifer!
I appreciate your comment & your follow!
Your blog looks like a lot of fun! I love kids & food & photography too! I am following you now too, Yay!
Have a great week!!!!
xo, Jessica @ FreshAngeles.Com
Hi Jennifer, thanks for stopping by Milk N Honey! I love that you homeschool and I like your cooking creations. I'm a new follower!
Thanks for stopping by---I've enjoyed all browsing through all your yummy recipes and looking at pics of your adorable family. I'm a new follower.
hey, I am glad you stopped by my blog on the party tour. I am following and will come back and read up on you and your fam. I love meeting new HSing fams and esp. ones that have adopted-fun, fun!
Hi there and thanks for stopping by! I'm excited to get all the advice I can on this journey towards motherhood so I really appreciate your comment. Following you back!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your daughter's cupcakes. How creative! And I love that she asked for cake decorating supplies for CHRISTmas. It's so important to feed their interests!
Can't wait to read more!
Thanks so much for stopping by. Of course, I had to stop by and leave you some comment love too! :) Who doesn't love comments?
By the way, I know this is on the wrong post, but I just love what your daughter made for April's Fools Day! Love those kind of "tricks"!
Loving the UBP11 meeting wonderful new blog friends like you. Thanks fr stopping by, following your yummy blog.
What a lovely and fun blog! I'm also stopping by from the UBP. I'll definitely be back!
Hope you'll stop by my blogs and say hi!
Notes in the Key of Life
Cindy's Book Club
Hi there! Stopping over to say hello!! Thanks for visiting my blog!!! I am your newest follower!! Cute blog by the way...
Wow! What a nice blog. I thank that's wonderful that you've adopted. I'm currently a certified foster parent. I'll definitely come asking you questions, when I need help. Thanks for following me. God bless!
From UBH. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Your blog looks great and yummy, too!
Thank you for the comment luvin'! UBP attendee here, too! My husband is Vietnamese, so we follow Asian traditions, too. Your children are beautiful!!!
Thank you for the comment luv! UBP attendee here! My husband is Vietnamese, so we follow asian traditions too. Your children are beautiful!
Aw, thanks for stopping by Dainty Mom and leaving a comment. I appreciate it! I think it's awesome what you're doing for your kids; it takes a heart full of God-like love to do what you're doing! I applaud you.
Hope you have a great time at the UBP11. :)
Thanks for stopping by over at Science Fiction Mommy! I think it's great that you adopted your kids. My parents wanted to adopt when I was a preschooler but were informed that my mother was too overweight and had too many health issues to provide a stable environment. Bunk, in my opinion, considering that my parents are still married and living just fine all these years later--but what can you do?
Anyway, I like the spaghetti cupcakes! I can't wait for my son to be old enough to be a little more creative (and less likely to stick his fingers in his mouth) when baking.
Hope you're enjoying the party!
Hi Jennifer thanks for stopping by my blog - I am new to blogging and am finding it lots of fun. Great blog I am now a follower and will put a link on my blog.
Thanks Fiona aka Super Mom
Thanks for coming over to visit me! I love your daughter's spaghetti cupcakes! I may have to make some for our daughters one of these days! (Must replace my bags on my wilton set first though....)
Thanks for stoping by!
Hi there! Love your blog and hope we can be blogging buds! Thanks for stopping by My Mixer for the Master! I have a new post with a giveaway for a sweet little necklace. I would love it if you stopped by to enter (no one has yet). I guess new bloggers just have to have patience. :)
Stopping by from the party!
LOVE your blog...especially...because I love to cook!
I am your newest follower...looking forward to getting to know you more! :)
Hi! I'm stopping over from UBP11! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I love to read and bake and cook as well. That's so awesome about your kiddos. They must be tons of fun! I'll be having my second one soon!
Thank you for stopping by my blog, it's great to *meet* you!
I loved reading about your children, I'm a foster carer and have applied to adopt the little girl I've cared for since she was born--she's 18 months old now :-)
Love that you adopted. What a wonderful, rich blessing for your family. Sounds like we have lots in common!! I enjoy all the same things, though it feels like I rarely have time for them.
Thanks for dropping by my blog! Great to meet you!
I just surfed in from my UBP post comments (yes, I'm STILL replying) and had to say that I love your blog layout. It's adorable and your photo - too cute! I'm your newest follower. On a side note, I'm an adoptee and a birthmother (now there's a story!) so I have a soft spot for adoption also. I look forward to getting to know you and reading more.
Big hugs!
Thanks for stopping by (back a while ago)! Your blog looks so fun!! I will be back!!
Hi, Thank you for visiting Sunflower Schoolhouse during the UBP. You have some very interesting recipes on your site. I have never had empanadas and can't wait to try them.
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