We jumped at the chance to review this beautiful modern art memory game.
Makenzie loves art and was really excited to learn about all the different art pieces in this game. She's 11 years old so memory games are pretty easy for her but we made it harder by making her tell who the artist is and the name of the art piece. This seemed to challenge her for only a day or so and then she had them all down but it was a great way to challenge her art appreciation and knowledge. I highly recommend this beautiful game and think it would be perfect for anyone 5 and up!
Now for the giveaway! Ammo books has generously given my readers 2 beautiful board books for younger children. The first one is called Colors by Charley Harper
and the second one is Counting in the Garden written by Emily Hruby and Illustrated by Patrick Hruby. You will love the gorgeous illustrations and the thick board pages will not bend, crease or break. These 2 books would be a great addition to any childs library.
Mandatory to enter is to go to this page on Ammo books and tell me what book you think your child would like from Ammo books.
For extra entries you can do any of the following 1 time each and please make sure to comment so I know you did them. This giveaway closes on September 9th at midnight CST and the winner will be announced on Sept. 10th in the morning.
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A complimentary product/service was provided for this review, however, all opinions expressed are my own. I was not compensated in any other way.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Thumbelina and a Devotional
While doing our Mother/Daughter devotional the other night we read about a miniature dwarf horse named Thumbelina and of course we had to look up her info, she's ADORABLE!!!! At just 17" tall she's the world's smallest horse and is just a little bit bigger then our Welsh Corgi dog Trix. I added some video so you can see just how tiny she is. If you would like more info on the Mother/Daughter Devo that Makenzie and I are doing click here.
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 is Makenzie's favorite scripture and what she uses for Punky Monkey Missions when people try to tell her she's too young or to little to start missions when she's just a "little"girl. This was one of the scriptures used for that night's devo and it really hit home for Makenzie. We love Dannah Gresh and the Secret Keeper tour (we went on a mommy daughter date to see it last year). If you want to have a special devotional with your daughter this one is great for tweens because it's not too long and pertains to everyday issues they might be going through.
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 is Makenzie's favorite scripture and what she uses for Punky Monkey Missions when people try to tell her she's too young or to little to start missions when she's just a "little"girl. This was one of the scriptures used for that night's devo and it really hit home for Makenzie. We love Dannah Gresh and the Secret Keeper tour (we went on a mommy daughter date to see it last year). If you want to have a special devotional with your daughter this one is great for tweens because it's not too long and pertains to everyday issues they might be going through.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Movie screening-giveaway for Tulsa, OK area only
The winner was Gayl Falconer, congratulations for winning 2 tickets to the preview of The Might Macs

If you live in the Tulsa, OK area then you have the opportunity to win 2 free tickets to the Sept. 13th special pre-release showing of THE MIGHTY MACS, starring Carla Gugino, Marley Shelton, David Boreanaz, and Ellen Burstyn.
Coming to theaters October 21st is the true story of women's basketball coach Cathy Rush. Coach Rush led her team, the Mighty Macs on an incredible journey in 1971. If you are looking for a great family movie night, this is the film for you!
Here's a trailer if you are interested.
All you have to do to enter is to leave me a message telling what year the movie is set in. Hint: you can find the answer on the Mighty Macs website.
For extra entries you can do 1 or all of the following
become a follower of Just Wedeminute via GFC
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A complimentary product/service was provided for this review, however, all opinions expressed are my own. I was not compensated in any other way.
If you live in the Tulsa, OK area then you have the opportunity to win 2 free tickets to the Sept. 13th special pre-release showing of THE MIGHTY MACS, starring Carla Gugino, Marley Shelton, David Boreanaz, and Ellen Burstyn.
Coming to theaters October 21st is the true story of women's basketball coach Cathy Rush. Coach Rush led her team, the Mighty Macs on an incredible journey in 1971. If you are looking for a great family movie night, this is the film for you!
Here's a trailer if you are interested.
All you have to do to enter is to leave me a message telling what year the movie is set in. Hint: you can find the answer on the Mighty Macs website.
For extra entries you can do 1 or all of the following
become a follower of Just Wedeminute via GFC
Like Just Wedeminute on Facebook
Follow me on Pinterest
A complimentary product/service was provided for this review, however, all opinions expressed are my own. I was not compensated in any other way.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Devastating Joplin, Missouri EF-5 Tornado
On our way to Branson we were traveling through Joplin, MO so we decided to stop and take some supplies and take some pictures. Things are really progressing along at a steady rate but we were all totally just struck by how devastating this tornado was to the Joplin community. This is something that we will remember for a very long time, do you remember where you were the day of the Oklahoma City bombing or what you were doing when you found out about 9/11? I remember sitting at my friends house watching this on the news just praying for these families and my heart was breaking for them. We live in tornado alley so I've seen a lot of tornados and devastation and it never gets easier.
This is a security video taken from Joplin high school on May 22, 2011
This is a security video taken from Joplin high school on May 22, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Meet Shayna and Adam-What will your Legacy be?
Adam and Shayna Acosta Interview from Sarah Gomez on Vimeo.
It's focus is on technique as opposed to set routines or a set of chords to memorize. The individual enrolled in this program will learn the "how to" in an environment with excellence as priority.
The Legacy Project will produce industry standard artists with the ability to responsibly influence the generations to come, thus leaving their legacy through Christ on this earth.
All info has been taken directly from The Legacy Project website. They also have a Facebook page or you can check them out at The Legacy Project blog.
Here's a newspaper article about them also...click here!
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
The Legacy Project
As many of you know my children are passionate about hip hop dance, it has literally changed Kylan's life. Dancing has helped his left and right brain to connect better and when he is dancing regularly we don't seem as many Asperger's issues. Dance has change Makenzie's life because she wants to minister to other's through dance and that's just why I'm so excited and happy to share with everyone about The Legacy Project. Shayna and Adam have had a desire to start this ministry for all of the years that I've known them and I'm so happy that it has finally come to fruition. Enjoy their promo videos and take the time to check out their website and read what they are all about, it's an amazing ministry that Kevin and I are so blessed to be a small part of.
The Legacy Project is a ministry whole-heartedly commited to excellence in faith and excellence in artistic ability. -A quote taken from The Legacy Project blog
The Legacy Project is a ministry whole-heartedly commited to excellence in faith and excellence in artistic ability. -A quote taken from The Legacy Project blog
Monday, August 08, 2011
The shows in Branson, MO
I had a list of shows that I wanted to see and in that list were a few that I knew the kids would LOVE so we took a family vote and went back to see Dixie Stampede again (we had gone in 2009 with Grammy). I think Kylan's favorite part of the show is that you are served dinner and you (gasp) get to eat with your hands! He loved the soup and even found out that you can purchase it online...smart kid.
This is a fun show, North vs. South and they have you yelling and hollering plus you eat so it does go by pretty quickly. My kids loved it and want to go back everytime we go to Branson.
Once the show starts you are not allowed to take pics so this picture was taken from the Sight and Sound website.

Checking out the horses before the show
They take your pic when you first walk in the door and Kevin actually bought them this year...shocker!
These kids are wanted for causing a stampede at Dixie Stampede if found please call me!
Since it's the very last season for Noah's Ark the Musical we went to see it too. I was so excited about Noah's Ark and they didn't let me down, it was amazing!!! The Sight and Sound theater is beautiful and Noah is in it's last season in Branson, their last performance is Oct. 15th, 2011. Joseph is the next performance that will be coming to the Branson theater for the 2012 season and I've heard that it's an amazing show also!
A pre-show performance
Once the show starts you are not allowed to take pics so this picture was taken from the Sight and Sound website.
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Family vacation in Branson
It seems like we have traveled a LOT this summer for dance competitions, to visit friends and family but not for the four of us to have a break and get away from everything and bond as a family having a fun time together. Kevin and I both think vacation is an important part of our lives so we try not to skip them if at all possible and believe me we can pinch pennies and take a vacation for super cheap if we need to.
We have a time share in Branson at Palace View and needed to use it this year. It's a great property if you are looking for a time share. We knew we wanted to see some shows, mini golf, go carts, shopping at the outlet malls and maybe even go to Silver Dollar City.
We have a time share in Branson at Palace View and needed to use it this year. It's a great property if you are looking for a time share. We knew we wanted to see some shows, mini golf, go carts, shopping at the outlet malls and maybe even go to Silver Dollar City.
We didn't make it to Silver Dollar City due to the heat and Kylan has some issues with amusement parks due to Asperger's (wish we would have known this the 5 times we took him to WDW). He did surprise us though and rode the go carts by himself even though he was nervous and they were loud (he has hypersensitive hearing). We had a great time at The Track 3 and enjoyed several nights riding go-karts, water bumper boats and playing games. Our favorite was the Wild Woody, so much fun!!!
Makenzie is just a lil bit competitive and had to try and beat her Dad on the race track.
I was one soaked momma by the time the kids got done with me! It did feel nice and cool though.
We also got to play a round of golf...LOL golf for kids. Mini golf or putt putt depending on where you live. We have driven by Dinosaur Canyon Golf many times and decided to just stop and play.
I'm going to post about the shows we saw another day! Have you been to Branson, MO? It's a fun place to visit and very family friendly!
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The Flirtation Experiment-book review and giveaway
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