Monday, September 19, 2011

Bacon pancakes

A couple of months ago I saw this picture and drew some inspiration from the past.

 I thought that would be a fun surprise to make for Kevin and the kids one morning for breakfast.  I finally made it and it was as delicious as I thought it would be.  I tried a couple of different methods but I did cook all the bacon before making the pancakes.

The first method I tried was just like the picture shows, laying down the bacon and pouring the pancake mixture over the top.  It worked out well and was great BUT my favorite method was pouring some batter and then placing the bacon into it and then pouring a little more batter over the top.  I just love the saltiness of the bacon and then the sweetness of the maple syrup, I do seem to crave the salty sweet mixtures though.  One of my fav's is popcorn with Reese's pieces!

I do have to warn you that these pancakes are not your average size, they turn out to be pretty large!


lynette355 said...

oh oh oh I need some of this....I will not be waiting long to get me some of this goodies.

Unknown said...

These look delicious!!

Debs Dealz said...

Hey Jennifer! Debs Dealz stoppin over to say hi! Thanks for your awesome comments!

I wanted to invite you to stop over to participate in the Monday Madness and/or Time Out Tuesday Hop!

We would love to have you!
Thanks, Deb

Erin said...

Thanks for stopping by the Monday Madness Blog Hop. I am happily following you back. I am seriously standing in my kitchen frying bacon! This looks so good. Can I share on my site? I will reference you...I enjoyed your site! Keep up the hard work. Thanks,

Jamie L. said...

I love pancakes & those look great!

Following you back!

Be sure to check by often, i'll have some new giveaways going up in the next week along with new reviews.

Unknown said...

This looks so delicious Jennifer! It is a good thing that I will soon have supper here in Jamaica as it is making me so hungry!:) I am a new Follower. Thanks again for becoming a Follower of my Blog.

Unknown said...

Following you back Thanks! I must say Bacon and Pancakes are my 2 most favorite foods! I will be making this! <3 Kim

Finger Click Saver said...

My daughter would love these pancakes. She'd require me to cook the bacon in the oven first (can't be on the stove...her fetish which is okay b/c the strips stay long). She loves sweet and salty like you! Thanks for the follow from MMH. I already follow you! Make it a great week!

Tanya said...

YUMMY! Great site! Wanted to let you know I'm following. lots of love from Bloggity Blog!

Unknown said...

Hello! I'm a new follower and would love it if you could follow me back :)

Denise McDonough said...

I believe I need to make these tomorrow for my last day of vacation YUMMY

Lacey said...

Oh my gosh. My husband and kids would love these pancakes! I'm going to have to try and make them.

Stopping by from the MBS Alexa hop.

Little Miss Nerd Girl

jessicaclarke said...

Those look so good, gotta love anything with bacon! Following u back thanks for stopping by

Stephanie said...

Hi Jennifer!

Thanks for stopping by and following me - I just wanted to let you know that I'm here to return the favor. :)

These look DELICIOUS. Bacon makes everything better - I never would have thought to put them inside a pancake, though. GENIUS! ;)

I look forward to reading more from you.

Sandie lee said...

Too Yummy! I have to try these.

Thanks for stopping by Spigot blog. I'm your newest follower.

Sandie lee

P.S. I love that you have adopted, way to go =)

Brynn @ said...

What a great idea!

I'm following you back from the Monday Monkey Hop, thank you for following me at :)

Anonymous said...

Looks so tasty!!

I'm a new follower from the Monday Monkey Hop. Hope you can stop by

Unknown said...

Oh yeah! Bacon! We are fans.
Pinned this.

Amy @MoMomma said...

These look delicious! Following you back from the hop. Would love for you to hook up to my MoMomma Monday link up (open M-F).

Skylar Magazine said...

I love pancakes, not a big bacon eater, every once in a while I like it. Not sure I'd like the two combined, I have tried syrup on bacon before and it is kinda yummy, if I'm in he mood for it. Anyway, I'm Sarah, I am a new follower through the blog hop and would love for you to come follow mine too Thanks:)

Paige said...

We always put bacon in our corn cakes (think pancakes with corn in them), but that's after they cook. I love the way the flavors mix, we'll have to try this one.

BTW, thanks for stopping by my blog :).

Maves Faves said...

Glad you’re a part of Timeout Tuesday. I’m a new follower hope you come by for a visit and follow me back . Have a great week.

Tania B said...

Mmmm mmm. Looks good to me! Hi, I am a new follower from the Welcome Wednesday blog hop. Please feel free to stop by Horseshoes any time!


Myn @ fresh graNOLA family said...

Um, that looks fan-friggin-tastic! I'm going to have to try this soon! Following you now from Welcome Wednesday. :)

S. Yissele said...

Hi! I like your Blog! Yummy! I'm following your Blog & FB! I hope your visit! Have a wonderful Day!

Mikki said...

THIS is the best part about blogging - sharing such cool new (in this case old?) ideas!

Following back from Mom's Best Nest. I'll look forward to reading your posts!

Mikki said...

(I can't find the comment I just wrote, so here goes again)

I'm following back from Mom's Best Nest. Thanks for joining! I'll look forward to reading your posts. Especially ones involving bacon :)

Bonnie ~ a wee Meenit said...

OMG what a fabulous idea!! Where in the world did you find this?!!
I am a new folower, found you following me!!
LOVE your blog name too!!

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