I hope you've enjoyed Visions of Sugarplums just as much as all of us have! Today is the last day, if you haven't been able to join us this week go take a look at all of the wonderful, amazing, talented bloggers that joined in the hop.
We have a lot of just random traditions that we always do like go look at Christmas lights and end the night at
Rhema. We even did this when we were dating and before that with my parents so it's definitely something I hope to pass on to my kids if they still live in the area. Rhema had more than 2 million lights last year and they add more each and every year, it's always amazing!

We always go get a pic with Santa and even thought they are growing up I'm hoping they will still want to carry on this tradition but we will see...
I don't have time to go back and find every year with Santa (I have a sick kiddo) but this is a fun tradition.
My kids favorites
I asked the kids what their favorite tradition is each Christmas season so you can get a kids perspective on traditions.
Kylan's favorite tradition is that I make Sausage souffle each year for Christmas breakfast so in honor of Kylan's favorite tradition here is my sausage souffle recipe that was passed down from my wonderful mother in law, Marilynn. I make it the night before and it just sits in the fridge waiting for me to pop it in the oven first thing in the morning. While opening gifts we can smell this wonderful smell.

Wedemeyer Sausage Souffle
1¼ hours 15 min prep
1 lb sausage, cooked and drained
6-8 slices white bread, cubed and no crust
1 cup swiss cheese, shredded
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
5 eggs, slightly beaten
3/4 cup half-and-half
1 1/4 cups milk
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
1 (3 ounce) can chopped mushrooms, drained
salt and pepper
Grease a 9x13 inch pan.
Arrange bread cubes in pan, put sausage over bread.
Mix remaining ingredients and pour over sausage.
Cover and refrigerate over night.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to one hour or until golden brown and the center is no longer wiggly.

Kylan also said he loves our game/movie day. We stay in our PJ's all day long and watch movies and play games while drinking hot cocoa this has come to be known as The Polar Express Party. We will wear our pj's and watch the Polar Express. I print out tickets and they have to give me their tickets to come to the party, purchase hot chocolate, or a train cookie it's a lot of fun and we look forward to it every year also.
Polar Express train tickets in hand!
Makenzie said she loves them all but one of her favorites is decorating the cookies on Christmas Eve and the Girl's Club Christmas Tea party. Every year Miss Lisa hosts a beautiful Christmas Tea and I always go take pictures but this year I'm sad to say I won't be able to take pictures. I'm hosting a Boy's Club and that's the day of our Christmas party so I'm hoping another mommy with take pics of the tea party and share them with me.
Lisa really goes all out for the girls, it's fabulous!
This was just made out of spray painted tree limbs but it looked like a winter wonderland.
Both kids said they also love that we pick an angel off the angel tree and go out together and buy the gifts for their angels, one year we did the shoeboxes and the kids loved that as well. In the spirit of giving please help others if you are able to. Jesus was given to us a most special gift from God and we always want to keep our focus on HIM during this time of year and so our final tradition that we always do is have a special birthday cake for Jesus since it is in fact a celebration of HIS birth.
Every year it's different, it might be cupcakes it might be a cake and sometimes it's super simple but that's ok.
Thanks for reading,