Math Rider is a math facts game that teaches your children to master addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for numbers 1-12 while they are having fun! This game is for ages 6-12 and was designed by a software architect for his own children.
To play the game you start a "quest" and the story line is given so the children know what's going on. You then ride your horse on your quest and along the way jump over obstacles which are math problems. If you happen to miss one the horse stops and the correct answer is given. Your horse starts back up and you continue with your "quest". You can adjust the speed and problems according to your child's ability.
What My Kids Think
Makenzie my 11 year old is in 6th grade and she really likes the program and flew through it with ease but she already knows her facts and so this was a simple review for her.
Kylan my 10 year old is in 4th grade and he liked it too but thought it was challenging and is still working on completing his first quest. *He has special needs and likes to take new things slowly and he still has problems with his multiplication facts but I'm seeing improvement since using Math Rider*

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